Upcoming fixtures for the week ahead….
Here are results from some past games and the upcoming fixtures for this week:
Fixtures for the upcoming week…

**Update – Saturday fixtures at St Ignatius have been cancelled**
Fixtures for this week….

Only one game this week…

As 2024 draws to an end, we have the final tally of the House points.
It’s very close at the top with St Andrews just ahead of Myddleton.
Well done to all the students who have contributed to the growing number of points and hope that the battle of the points is ready to continue when you come back in January 2025 – which house will be victorious by February half-term..??
Have you ever wondered why the houses are called what they are? Find out here:

School has now closed it’s door for this festive season.
Form all our staff, we wish all our EGS students and their families, and our Enfield community a healthy and happy time.
We shall see you in 2025!

Our Annual Prize Giving evening was standing room only on Wednesday as students from all year groups received their subject prizes for their work last year.
We choose to hold our Prize-Giving ceremony late in the Autumn term so that our last year’s 13s can also attend, being home from University for Christmas. It’s so lovely to hear how their first term has gone.
John Skipper, an Old Boy and retired surgeon was our guest of honour and he gave an inspiring, moving speech about the importance of education and resilience. A message that aligns beautifully with all that we do here at EGS.
It’s such an honour to watch all the prize winners come onto the stage and collect their envelope in which there is also a book voucher.
Enfield Grammar School Trustees fund the prizes every year and I want to personally thank them for maintaining this wonderful tradition. It was a thoroughly enjoyable evening for the students, their parents/carers, Governors and staff alike.
Mr Lamb – Headteacher

Mr Lamb with special guest John Skipper MB BCh BA LLB FRCS (EGS Alumni)
Congratulations to the Year 9 team for getting through to the quarter finals of the Middlesex Cup, and commiserations to Year 7 but good effort and well done for playing.

Congratulations to our football teams over the last 2 weeks and the boys who took part last week in the Rugby Festivals for Year 7, 8 and 9

Fixtures for this week: