Enfield Grammar School is NOT a selective grammar school; we are proud to be a comprehensive secondary school, where all are welcome. We do offer a few scholarship places under Sports and Music – please see below for full details.
The Pupil Admission Number (PAN) for entry into our school in Year 7, as agreed with both the Department for Education and the Local Authority is 180.
All applications for admission to the school should be made on your Local Authority application form.
Special Educational Needs – Any boy with an Education, Health and Care Plan that names the school will be admitted.
Oversubscription Criteria – If there are more applications than places available we will apply the oversubscription criteria listed below:
1. Boys who are looked after or previously looked after
A ‘looked after child’ is a child who is:(a) in the care of a local authority, or (b) being provided with accommodation by a local authority in the exercise of their social services functions (see the definition in Section 22(1) of the Children Act 1989) at the time of making an application to a school.
Previously looked after children are children who were looked after, but ceased to be so because they were adopted (or became subject to a child arrangements order or special guardianship order). Previously looked after children also includes those who appear to the admission authority to have been in state care outside of England and ceased to be in state care as a result of being adopted.
2. Boys who have exceptional medical needs that makes Enfield Grammar School particularly suitable for him. The boy must have a demonstrable and significant need to attend Enfield Grammar School. Each application for priority in this criterion must be supported by written evidence from a doctor. The connection between the boy’s needs and Enfield Grammar School must be clearly demonstrated.
3. Boys demonstrating an aptitude in sports or music (not more than 18 places – 9 for music and 9 for sport).
N.B. Parents applying under this criterion are required to complete the supplementary application form in addition to the Local Authority application form. If there are insufficient applicants demonstrating an aptitude in music the remaining places will be given to those demonstrating an aptitude in sport and vice versa.
Music: Candidates who achieve the qualifying mark in the first round aptitude test will be invited to a second round individual test on their chosen instrument or vocally. The first round aptitude test is approximately 40 minutes duration and does not require any formal knowledge of music theory. The test will cover questions on pitch, rhythm, texture and melody and will be performed on computers. Candidates will be notified in advance of the test date and venue. The purpose of the second-round test is to assess the candidate’s capacity to learn or develop musical skills.
Sport: Places will be awarded following assessment of the pupils’ aptitude by the School’s
sports staff. The school sports under this criterion are cricket, football and rugby. Consideration for alternative test dates will be given in extenuating circumstances only and
will be at the discretion of Enfield Grammar School. Extenuating circumstances include, but
are not limited to, bereavement, religious holidays or festivals, or medical appointments.
4. Boys whose parent is a member of staff employed by Enfield Grammar School for two or more years at the time of application and/or boys of a member of staff who has been recruited to fill a vacancy for which there is a demonstrable skill shortage. This applies to
any member of staff.
5. Boys with a sibling in the school at the time of proposed entry. Siblings will include full
siblings, half-siblings, adopted siblings, step siblings, or the child of the parent/carer’s partner, and in every case, the sibling should be living in the same family unit at the same address.
6. Distance. Priority will be given to those children living nearest to the school from the child’s home address at the time of place allocation. Distance to the school is measured by straight line distance, using the Local Authority’s computerised measuring system. Where a child lives normally during the school week with more than one parent at different addresses, the permanent home address for the purposes of school admissions will be the one closest to the main school entrance on our Upper School Site.
Key Dates for September 2025 Admission (academic year 2025/26)
- April 2024 – application forms available
- Tuesday 8 October 2024 at 4pm – Closing date for supplementary applications forms for sport and music (return to Enfield Grammar School)
- Friday 11 October 2024 – Sport Aptitude Test for supplementary applications
- Saturday 12 October 2024 – Music Aptitude Test for supplementary applications
- 31 October 2024 – Closing date for Secondary School Applications
Sport & Music (Supplementary) Scholarships Admissions
Up to 18 pupils (10% of the annual intake) will be admitted who show that they can contribute at a high level to major school sports or music and would be willing to support the corporate and extra-curricular life of the School.
If your son has a particular aptitude for sport or music and you would alike to apply under the scholarship criteria, please give details of his achievements and any appropriate groups or clubs to which he belongs when completing the application form below.
All parents/carers will receive the outcome of these aptitude tests before the end of October. The results of the tests do not guarantee a place at the school.
*Scholarship application deadlines differ to the general admission timetable – see Key Dates section above
Music Scholar Programme
- To develop our scholars’ musicianship in a range of aspects including performance, composition, and music theory.
- To encourage and support their participation in a range of ensembles to widen their knowledge and appreciation of a range of styles and genres of music and develop their ensemble performance skills.
- To provide the opportunity, knowledge and resources to complete performance and theory and to achieve highly in music GCSE and beyond if chosen in KS3 and KS4.
- To offer opportunities that will provide experience and understanding of future pathways in music such as careers in the industry and higher education opportunities.
Sport Scholar Programme
- The overarching aim of the 5-Year Gifted and Talented Athlete Program is to cultivate a dynamic and supportive environment that empowers identified athletes to reach their maximum potential in sports, leadership, and personal development.
- Through an extended curriculum, the programme aims to enhance their skills, deepen their passion for sports, foster leadership qualities, and provide comprehensive opportunities for mentorship and community engagement.
- The ultimate goal is to prepare these gifted and talented athletes for successful futures in sports and beyond, equipped with a holistic set of skills, a strong sense of community, and a commitment to mentorship and leadership.
To apply, download the: Music & Sports Supplementary Application Form 2025/26
What is a Sports / PE Scholar? A PE scholar will uphold the highest standards of the PE department within lessons and around the school, and whilst representing the school in activities for which they are selected to take part in.
Admission Scholars have gained entry to Enfield Grammar through sporting ability prior to school application. There are nine Admission Scholar places available each academic year. Admissions scholars are those selected through a combination of two practical steps:
- Assessment via a series of physical tests
- Assessment of ability in their chosen specialism (rugby, football, cricket, or all three if they wish)
Expectations – To attend and take part in the practice schedule and high level of extra-curricular fixtures that we currently have (entry to National and Middlesex competitions to push the scholars)
Can my son apply? Your son is more than welcome to apply for a school place under the PE Scholarship criteria if you feel they meet the eligibility criteria.
Each candidate applying under this criterion will be invited to a day of aptitude testing at Enfield Grammar School. Candidates will be assessed on key athletics components and assessed on their performance in their chosen sport or sports.
Candidate’s performance will be assessed using normative data for the tests used and will be compared against grading criteria developed by exam boards for use at GCSE.
Consideration for alternative test dates will be given in extenuating circumstances only and will be at the discretion of Enfield Grammar School. Extenuating circumstances include, but are not limited to, bereavement, religious holidays or festivals or medical appointments.
The purpose of the assessment is to both assess ability and the candidate’s capacity to learn or develop sporting skills and benefit from the opportunities at Enfield Grammar School, such as competing in midweek and Saturday fixtures at National, County and locally which have given us impressive levels of success in recent years .
Places will be awarded following assessment of the pupils’ aptitude by the School’s sports staff.
Consideration will be given to candidates that demonstrate an exceptional sporting aptitude in the major sports played at the school. Written references may be asked for in the case of appeal but places are awarded on the performances demonstrated on the day. The major school sports that are assessed under this criterion are cricket, football and rugby.
We look forward to welcoming your son to the PE department in the next round of admissions.
What is a Music Scholar? A music scholar is a student who upholds the highest standards of our musicians and serves as an inspiration to other students.
Admission Scholars has gained entry to Enfield Grammar through musical ability prior to school application. There are 9 Admission Scholar places available each academic year. Admissions scholars are selected through two audition steps:
- Musical Aptitude Test. Students sit a thirty-minute listening test. If they reach above the required threshold, students are invited back for the second stage.
- Practical Audition. Students are invited to perform a piece of their choosing on their principal instrument.
Can My Son Apply? Your son is more than welcome to apply for a school place under the Music Scholarship criteria if you feel they meet the eligibility criteria.
Award Scholars – Many of the department’s success stories of award-winning, world-class musicians, developed their passion for music during their studies at Enfield Grammar. To provide these students with the same, awesome provision as the Admissions Scholars, the music department has designed additional opportunities to join the scholarship system. These scholars are called ‘Awards Scholars’.
An Award Scholar is a student who is already a student at Enfield Grammar and continues to show outstanding commitment, progress, and behaviour (as set out in our scholarship admissions criteria). Potential Award Scholars are nominated by the Music Team at the end of each term and are invited to sit the Musical Aptitude Test. Upon passing the Musical Aptitude the student will be awarded their scholarship colours at the end of term celebration assembly, after which they have full access to our scholarship programme.
The Music Scholarship Programme
All scholars (Admissions and Awards) are provided with the same exciting development programme during their time at Enfield Grammar School. This includes:
- A designated, and fully trained, Music Ambassador to help guide our scholars through grades, practice, performance and musical skills. The Music Ambassadors are senior Music Scholars who are provided with training in coaching and mentoring.
- An E-portfolio to document meetings with the Music Ambassador and teaching staff, keep a record of performances they’ve taken part in, grades taken and any enrichment activities relating to music. This portfolio will be review each half term with the support of the Music Ambassador.
- An accredited Music Theory course to accelerate knowledge and understanding of the building blocks of music.
- Exclusive trips to music events and venues to explore careers and opportunities in the world of Music and the Arts
Each candidate applying under this criterion will be invited to attend a written musical aptitude
test at Enfield Grammar School.
Candidates who achieve the qualifying mark in the test will be invited back to attend an audition to perform a single piece on their chosen instrument or vocally.
The musical aptitude test is of approximately 40 minutes’ duration and does not require any formal knowledge of music theory. The test will cover questions on pitch, rhythm, texture and melody and will be performed on computers.
During the audition, candidates will perform a piece of their choosing either instrumental or vocal (accompanist will not be provided). Performances should last no longer than three minutes. As there is a free choice of instrument and piece, candidates of all abilities and all cultures will have the opportunity to succeed.
The purpose of the audition is to both access ability and the candidate’s capacity to learn or develop musical skills and benefit from the opportunities at Enfield Grammar School.
We look forward to welcoming your son to the music department in the next round of auditions
Parents may seek a place for their child outside of their normal age group, for example, if the child is gifted and talented or has experienced problems such as ill health. It is important for parents to note that they will have responsibility for providing evidence to support their request.
If parents wish for their child to be considered for admission to a year group which is outside their normal age group, then they must:
a) Complete the Local Authority common application form or the in-year admission form, as
b) Attach a letter outlining reasons for the request and all supporting letters and/or
documentary evidence in support of the application.
Enfield Grammar School will make decisions on the basis of the circumstances of each case and in the best interests of the child concerned. This will include taking account of:
- The parent’s views.
- Any available information about the child’s academic, social and emotional development.
- Where relevant, their medical history and the views of a medical professional.
- Whether they have previously been educated out of their normal age group.
- Any evidence that the child may naturally have fallen into a lower age group if it were not for being born prematurely.
- The views of the Headteacher
The parents of any child refused a place at the school have a right to appeal to an independent appeal panel. The decision of the independent appeal panel is binding on all parties.
- Appeal forms to be returned by 10 May 2024
- Appeal Panel dates will be scheduled for week commencing 10 June 2024
To request an Appeal Form; please contact the School Office either by telephone 020 8363 1095 or email [email protected]
Any child refused a place at the school for entry into Year 7 (in the normal admissions round) will be automatically added to the school’s waiting list unless a higher preference school has been offered.
In July (of the same school year in which they would otherwise be admitted), the waiting list will be reviewed by the Local Authority who will confirm that those on the waiting list are still seeking a place at the school.
The waiting list is maintained in the order of the oversubscription criteria. This means that names can move down the list if, e.g. someone moves into the area and is higher placed under the oversubscription criteria.
Where an application for in-year admission or admission to a year group other than Year 7 is
unsuccessful, parents will be asked if they would like their son’s name to be added to a waiting list for that year group. Waiting lists are not routinely kept for other year groups unless parents specifically ask for their child’s name to be included on one.
The school participates in the Local Authority’s coordinated scheme for in-year admission to year groups 7-11. These applications must be made to the Local Authority, rather than Enfield Grammar School.
Further information about this, including the relevant application form, please contact the
Local Authority’s admissions page on its website at: School admissions and applications | Enfield Council
If more applications are received than there are places available, applications will be ranked in accordance with the oversubscription criteria.
Following on from the consultation in December 2021 and January 2022, the Governing Body considered all responses received and determined the final policies for admission to Enfield Grammar School for the academic year 2023 onwards.
The documents below confirm the decisions following the consultation. We have also published a report analysing the responses received, as well as all the responses received in response to the consultation, with only personal information redacted.
Please click the links below to view the documents:
- Enfield Grammar School Admissions Consultation December to January 2022 Decision Notice
- Enfield Grammar School Confirmed Admissions Policy for Year 7 2023 onwards
- Enfield Grammar School Confirmed Admissions Policy for Year 12 2023 onwards
- Enfield Grammar School Admissions Consultation December to January 2022 Statistical Report
- Enfield Grammar School Admissions 2023 Consultation December 2021 to January 2022 Online responses (redacted)