Who is this course for?

Are you keen about using a computer for a creative product? …….If you answered “Yes”, then Creative I-Media is the course for you.

Many of the skills developed in Creative I-Media are transferable to a wide range of career paths. They include the ability to analyse, explain, evaluate, plan and communicate in visual, verbal or written form with others.

Creative I-Media will enable students to explore the digital media world and could lead on to any number of specialist courses, degrees or careers. These include Photography, Graphic Design, Video or Audio Technology, and Character Design and animation

What is the course about?

You will develop a range of skills including how to carry out relevant research, analysis and evaluation, production planning and working to a client brief. In addition, you will learn the basic skills needed to use the following computer software packages: Power Point, Adobe Photoshop, Digital video software, Inkscape and animation software Krita.

How will I be assessed and what will I be studying?

This is an e-portfolio diploma course with 3 individual units which are assessed online after the completion of each unit. Grades are awarded at Level 1 and 2 in the form of a Pass, Merit, Distinction or Distinction*, depending on the marks achieved in each unit. You will learn a variety of Creative I-Media skills through the completion of 3 individual units of study. These include the following:

2 Mandatory Units R081 – Pre production skills (exam) R082 – Creating digital graphics

2 Optional Units R089 – Creating Digital video R090 – Digital Photography or R086 Digital Animation.

What can the course can lead on to?

Further studies in A-level, Media college or dedicated studies in Photography, Video Editing, Animation and Digital Graphics.


For more Information:

Cambridge Nationals (OCR)  www.ocr.org.uk/specification-at-a-glance/