Enfield Grammar School welcomes boys and girls into the sixth form.
Enfield Grammar School offers different levels of study. The minimum qualification for entry
into the sixth form for each level of study is as follows:
- A-Level courses – at least 5 GCSEs grade 5 and above including English Language and Mathematics in addition to the individual subject entry requirements
- Level 3 BTEC courses – at least 4 GCSEs grade 5 and GCSE grade 4 in English Language and Mathematics in addition to the individual subject entry requirements
If an applicant meets these criteria they will be eligible for consideration for a sixth form place
at Enfield Grammar School.
All students in the current Year 11 at Enfield Grammar School who meet the academic entry
requirements will continue into the sixth form if they wish.
Please also note that there are specific individual minimum entry requirements for each
subject, which can be found on our website.
Enfield Grammar School cannot guarantee an offer of a place on specific courses.
Applicants who meet the entry requirements but who cannot be accommodated in their preferred subjects will be offered an alternative course.
Pupil Admission Number (PAN)
A minimum of 20 places will be filled by eligible external applicants to Enfield Grammar School Sixth Form provided sufficient applications are received.
External applicants should complete the on-line application form on the school’s website.
Students are entitled to apply in their own right.
Special Education Needs (SEN)
Any child with an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) that names the school will be admitted.
If there are more applications than places available, offers will be made in the order of the
oversubscription criteria listed below:
1. Looked after children and previously looked after children. A ‘looked after child’ is a
child who is (a) in the care of a local authority, or (b) being provided with
accommodation by a local authority in the exercise of their social services functions
(see the definition in Section 22(1) of the Children Act 1989) at the time of making an
application to a school. Previously looked after children are children who were looked
after, but ceased to be so because they were adopted (or became subject to a child
arrangements order or special guardianship order). Previously looked after children
also includes those who appear to the admission authority to have been in state care
outside of England and ceased to be in state care as a result of being adopted.
2. Boys and girls, who have exceptional medical needs that makes Enfield Grammar
School particularly suitable for them. The student must have a demonstrable and
significant need to attend Enfield Grammar School. Each application for priority in this
criterion must be supported by written evidence from a doctor. The connection
between the student’s needs and Enfield Grammar School must be clearly
3. Boys and girls whose parent is a member of staff employed by Enfield Grammar School
for two or more years at the time of application and/or boys and girls of a member of
staff who has been recruited to fill a vacancy for which there is a demonstrable skill
shortage. This applies to any member of staff.
4. Boys and girls with a sibling in school at the time of proposed entry. Siblings include a
brother or sister who share the same parents; a half-brother, half-sister or legally
adopted child living at the same address; a child looked after by a local authority
placed in a foster family with other school age children; a stepchild or children who
are not related but live as a family unit, where parents both live at the same address
as the child.
5. Distance. Priority will be given to those children living nearest to the school from the
child’s home address at the time of place allocation. Distance to the school is
measured by straight-line distance, using the Local Authority’s computerised
measuring system.
Where a child lives normally during the school week with more than one parent at
different addresses, the permanent home address for the purposes of school
admissions will be the one closest to the main school entrance (Upper Site).
In the event of a tie in any of the above criteria, places will be allocated to those who live
nearest the school. If the distance criterion is not sufficient to distinguish between two or
more applicants for the last remaining place then random allocation will be used. This process will be supervised by somebody independent of the school.
As an admission authority we have the right to investigate any concerns we may have about
your application and to withdraw the offer of a place if we consider there is evidence that you
have made a fraudulent claim or provided misleading information, for example a false address was given which denied a place to a child with a stronger claim. We reserve the right to check any address and other information provided so we can apply the oversubscription criteria accurately and fairly.
The parents of any child and/or student refused a place have a right to appeal to an
independent appeal panel. The decision of the independent appeal panel is binding on all
All final decisions are made by the Head Teacher at his discretion