Enfield Grammar School welcomes boys and girls into the sixth form.

Enfield Grammar School offers different levels of study. The minimum qualification for entry
into the sixth form for each level of study is as follows:

  • A-Level courses – at least 5 GCSEs grade 5 and above including English Language and Mathematics in addition to the individual subject entry requirements
  • Level 3 BTEC courses – at least 4 GCSEs grade 5 and GCSE grade 4 in English Language and Mathematics in addition to the individual subject entry requirements

If an applicant meets these criteria they will be eligible for consideration for a sixth form place
at Enfield Grammar School.

All students in the current Year 11 at Enfield Grammar School who meet the academic entry
requirements will continue into the sixth form if they wish.

Please also note that there are specific individual minimum entry requirements for each
subject, which can be found on our website.

Enfield Grammar School cannot guarantee an offer of a place on specific courses.

Applicants who meet the entry requirements but who cannot be accommodated in their preferred subjects will be offered an alternative course.

Pupil Admission Number (PAN)

A minimum of 20 places will be filled by eligible external applicants to Enfield Grammar School Sixth Form provided sufficient applications are received.

External applicants should complete the on-line application form on the school’s website.
Students are entitled to apply in their own right.

Special Education Needs (SEN)

Any child with an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) that names the school will be admitted.