At Enfield Grammar School, we are committed to fostering an environment where every student can thrive not only academically but also emotionally and socially. We are committed to promoting mental health and wellbeing and understand that this is fundamental to a student’s overall success and happiness.
Our dedicated pastoral team provides support and assistance to our students, offering a range of resources to support students’ mental health and wellbeing, including counsellors, wellbeing mentors, pastoral support staff, and access to external services. We recognise the importance of working in partnership with parents, carers and outside agencies to ensure that every student receives the necessary help and support.
We believe that if our students’ emotional needs are met, they will be able to learn and engage fully in school life; our ultimate goal is to ensure that every student at our school can flourish, embracing their potential with confidence, resilience, and a deep sense of wellbeing. We believe that by fostering good mental health, we provide the foundation for lifelong success and happiness.
On this page, you will find key information, guidance, and resources. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact Mrs Culora (HR, Safeguarding and Wellbeing Manager) by email at [email protected]
We value your partnership in creating a supportive and nurturing community, where all students succeed.
Latest News
All News
Kooth – Online mental Well-Being Community
Urgent Mental Health Support – 24/7 Crisis Lines
Kooth – Returning To School After Lockdown – Tips & Advice
Headroom – A mental health toolkit from the BBC – lots of Resources: Mindful Tips, Mood Mixes, Personal Stories, Motivation –
Wellbeing & Education During School & Work Closures
Enfield Educational Psychology Service – Support for Parents & Carers
Feeling low? Depressed? How To Change Your Mood: and info for parents .pdf
COVID-19 Child Protection and Safeguarding Arrangements
Covid-19 Risk Assessment (Return To School)
EGS Guidance in Tier 5 / National Lockdown – resources put together by services within the NHS. There are a range of tabs you can choose that signpost to different tools. Each are designed with specific groups in mind including carers, younger children and young people
Coronavirus Fake News Information Video: BBC
For more information regarding how the school is operating (including education provision, risk assessments, testing etc) please follow the link to our dedicated Covid-19 page:
To protect yourself and others, when you leave home you must:
- wash hands – keep washing your hands regularly
- cover face – wear a face covering over your nose and mouth in enclosed spaces
- make space – stay at least a metre away from people not in your household
If you are feeling unwell, get a test and do not leave home for at least 10 days
Click here for the latest information and guidelines on Coronavirus (COVID-19)
Click here to see the latest government Guidance for Schools: Coronavirus
For more information, please see the following page on our website under the Parents & Students menu:
Guidance on use of face covering when travelling to school or college
Children aged 11 and over are legally required to wear a face covering on public transport in England, unless exempt for health, age or disability reasons.
In accordance with advice from Public Health England, we recommend that local authorities advise children and young people aged 11 and over to wear a face covering when travelling on dedicated school transport, unless they are exempt. Coronavirus (COVID-19) usually spreads by droplets from coughs, sneezes and speaking. When used correctly, wearing a face covering may reduce the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19) droplets in certain circumstances, helping to protect others.
Schools should support local authorities in promoting the use of face coverings when travelling to and from school, and help them to resolve any issues of non-compliance where appropriate.
The ‘Hands. Face. Space.’ campaign urges everyone to continue to wash their hands, cover their face and make space to control infection rates. The NHS has released a ‘Hands. Face. Space.’ video that may be a useful resource when communicating the importance of wearing a face covering on transport directly to children and young people.
Further information on face coverings can be found in our guidance on transport to school and other places of education: autumn term 2020.
Tier Systems & Lockdown Guidance
Tier 5 – Lockdown – click the image below for guidelines:
HELPLINE: Department for Education coronavirus (COVID-19) helpline opening hours
The Department for Education coronavirus (COVID-19) helpline remains available to answer questions about coronavirus (COVID-19) relating to education and children’s social care. Please listen carefully to the available options and select the most appropriate to your nursery, school, or college’s current situation.
Staff, parents and young people can contact this helpline by calling:
Phone: 0800 046 8687
Opening hours:
Monday to Friday from 8am to 6pm
Saturday and Sunday from 10am to 4pm
TRANSLATION of guidance for parents and carers on early years providers, schools and colleges in the autumn term
We have translated our guidance for parents and carers with children in nursery, school, or college in the autumn term.
The guidance is available in the following languages:
Enfield Young People in Caring (EyPIC)– Enfield Carers Centre – they run many online activities via zoom : EyPIC Online Activities
Click the link for: Healthy Eating & Free School Meals
Click here for information on: Special Educational Needs Department – organisation co-ordinating and strengthening children and young persons’ services. We provide advice and support to voluntary and community organisations working with children and young people aged 0-25 years
Black Lives Matter – A Parent’s Guide
Click here for links to charities and websites offering support for a range of issues including mental health, abuse and addictions
Helping local people in crisis North Enfield Foodbank– where you can access non-judgemental information and advice about crime and criminality. A safe place to go to give information about crime 100% anonymously.
Click here for information on Benefits
Click here for information on Housing
Click here for information, guidance & support regarding Employment (including working from home and childcare)
Enfield Saheli – support service for vulnerable and isolated women – We support vulnerable and isolated women, particularly those experiencing domestic abuse and/or mental health issues.
Click here for: Saheli DA Advocacy Leaflet April 2021

Ask for ANI – Codeword – Domestic Abuse
A new codeword scheme has launched with participating pharmacies, Ask
for ANI offers immediate assistance to people suffering from domestic
abuse. # YouAreNotAlone .
Find out more:
In school, we currently run the following;
PROUD – weekly support group for LGBTQ+ students – group or 1to1 sessions available
Diversity Role Models – LGBTQ+ whole lower school project with staff training attached
Students: Please contact Mr Purrier if you would like to find out more: [email protected]

You might find the following LGBTQ+ websites useful…
The internet is great fun but it does have dangers and we want you to be safe online. When you join a chatroom you’ll find people are very friendly but the person you are talking to might not always be who they say they are.
People can pretend to be your age and unfortunately there have been cases where adults have pretended to be teenagers and lured young people into meeting them in dangerous situations. Some of these cases have ended up in court in the UK.
Bullying UK has had experience of young people using the internet who have been persuaded into dangerous situations buy adults. This is an offence called ‘grooming’.
Internet Safety Tips
- Never give out your real name
- Never tell anyone where you go to school
- Only meet someone from a chatroom in a public place with one of your parents or another adult. If they are genuinely who they say they are they will be happy to do this
- Never give out your address or telephone number
- Never agree to meet anyone from a chatroom on your own
- Tell an adult if someone makes inappropriate suggestions to you or makes you feel uncomfortable online
Danger signs
- If the person tries to insist on having your address or phone number
- If the person emails you pictures which make you feel uncomfortable and which you would not want to show to anyone else
- If the person wants to keep their chats with you secret
- If the person tells you that you will get into trouble if you tell an adult what has been going on
- If the person emails you pictures which make you feel uncomfortable and which you would not want to show to anyone else
- If the person wants you to email them pictures of yourself or use a webcam in a way which makes you feel uncomfortable
- If the person shares information with you and tells you not to tell anyone else about it
- If the person wants to meet you and tells you not to let anyone know
- If you find any of these danger signs it’s important that you tell your parents or another adult.
This website is full of information and keeping up to date with popular apps, games & parental controls –
Safety Card 2020 for Instagram
Need to know – HouseParty
Need to know – Zoom
Online Scams and Phishing – YouTube Video
NSPCC – Keeping Children Safe (Phishing) – YouTube Video – Net Aware and the NSPCC useful information about games and APPS – Child Exploitation and Online Protection
Child Exploitation and Online Protection (CEOP) – Should I make a CEOP report?
Safeguarding during the school closure
Dealing with Dangerous Websites – Sexting Facts & Advice – Sexting: What Parents Need To Know
Thinkuknow is the online safety education programme from the National Crime Agency.
You’ll find lots of support and advice for young people at
Parents and carers: There’s plenty of advice for parents and carers on keeping your child safe online at –‘Sex, Friendships & The Internet’

What is Cyber-Bullying& What You Need To Know
How to deal with Cyber-Bullying
Happy Slapping – What it is & What to do about it
For further information and advice go to
Welcome to the School Help Advice & Reporting Page System
We all work together at Enfield Grammar to help with any problems you may have in or out of school. Please take the time to look through the pages and if you feel that you can help to keep our school a safe, friendly and fun place to be you can get in touch using the link.
You can contact us through Dr Currie and/or Mr Purrier – you don’t have to leave your details if you don’t want to.
This is a CONFIDENTIAL way to stop YOU or a FRIEND or SOMEONE you have seen SUFFERING.
To enter the full site, click here The Sharp System
Parents/carers supporting their child’s mental health and maintaining communication with the school are of paramount importance. A collaborative effort between parents/carers and the school helps to ensure that a child’s mental health and wellbeing are being addressed holistically, taking into account a child’s experiences both at home and in school, ensuring a joined-up approach.
Working together we are able to provide families with resources and information to help them support their child’s mental health needs. We are also able to work with families and external agencies, to provide a tailored approach, depending on the needs of our students.
We provide access to in-house counsellors and wellbeing mentors and refer to external services including CAMHS, MyMe, Enfield Bereavement Service, Family Based Solutions, Enfield Behaviour Support Services and Humankind. We are also part of the Enfield Thrives Together Community Network, which is a Local Authority initiative bringing together schools and services in Enfield to share best practice in mental health support.
Below are some useful links to help parents/carers support their child’s mental health needs:
Papyrus –
We understand that bereavement can be a challenging experience, which affects students and their families in various ways. We are committed to creating a safe environment in which we support our students, by providing a safe space to talk to our wellbeing mentors and/or by referral to an external bereavement counsellor (Enfield Bereavement or Grief Encounters).
Please find below some links to various information and providers of bereavement support, which you may find helpful:
Grief Encounters
0808 802 0111
Winston’s Wish
08088 020 021
By working with external services, we are able to offer specialist support to our students and their families, such as mental health, bereavement and substance abuse. This supplements our in-house provision and provides a range of services and targeted support for our students.
Working collaboratively with external services helps to promote the wellbeing and success of our students.
The list below details a number of the services we work with:
Enfield Bereavement Service
Enfield Multi Agency Sharing Hub –
Enfield Early Help Service –
Humankind –
Grief Encounters –
Nexus Enfield –
Diversity Role Models –