School Meals
A nutritious diet is essential to healthy brain development in children which is vital to good learning. Here at Enfield Grammar School, our kitchen teams, at both Upper and Lower, prepare fresh nutritious meals on site everyday, as well as wholesome snacks.
We have a breakfast club at Lower School, a mid-morning snack option at Upper School and a two course meal deal at lunchtime as well as other grab and go options. A vegetarian option is available during all services. Fruit is also available daily.
Our daily menus are linked to your Parent Pay account on the website so you can see the daily offerings and what has been purchased.
The school works with the best suppliers that meet stringent criteria.

The Breakfast Club takes place daily at the Lower School Canteen from 8am to 8.30am and is open to all students.
Students who are eligible for a Free School Meal will also be eligible to have a have free breakfast at school at our daily Breakfast Club.
The cashless till system offers a safe and convenient way of paying for school meals with use of the student’s unique fingerprint. It also alleviates the problems associated with money being lost by reducing the need to carry cash and has reduced queuing times through an increased speed of service.
Parents can add money to the students lunch account online at any time through ParentPay, our online cashless payment system.
By linking ParentPay to our cashless catering system, our students are able to make use of the catering facilities either at break time or lunchtime without having to carry unnecessary amounts of cash into school.
For further details of how the cashless till system works please click here or alternatively, contact the School Finance Office.
Free School Meals
Did you know the government gives additional funding to schools for those children entitled to free school meals (even if they don’t have a school meal)?
Enfield Grammar School uses this money to obtain additional staff and resources that help improve the quality of education we provide.
If you have children up to the age of 19 years in full-time education at an Enfield school, you may claim for free school meals entitlement if you are in receipt of one of the following benefits:
- Universal Credit (with an annual income of no more than £7400)
- Child Tax Credit (with no Working Tax Credit and an annual gross income of no more than £16190)
- Working Tax Credit run-on (paid for the four weeks after you stop qualifying for working Tax Credit)
- Income Support
- Income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance
- Income-related Employment and Support Allowance
- Support under Part 6 of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
- The guarantee element of State Pension Credit
Children who receive a qualifying benefit in their own right are also eligible to receive Free School Meals.
Local authorities do not set the qualifying criteria for free school meals and as a school we are unable to waive them.
Any change to the criteria is a matter for central, not local government.
If you have a child starting at Enfield Grammar School who is already in receipt of Free School Meals in their Primary school, their record will be transferred over by Enfield Council and there is no need to re-apply. If your child is transferring from a school that is out of Borough, then a new application must be made to Enfield Council.
Please note: some Enfield Primary Schools e.g. Lavender and Churchfields administer their own FSM applications. As such, if your child attended one of these Schools, a new application will need to be made to Enfield Council as soon as possible to confirm ongoing entitlement.
The above also applies to students (of any age) that are starting at Enfield Grammar who were previously on roll under the jurisdiction of a different Borough
Students that qualify for Free School Meals will receive food items up to the value of £2.65 a day.
The School has a daily “Meal Deal” offering which will include a choice of a main dish, a potato side, a vegetable side and a pudding. Alternatively, your son may choose from the rest of the menu. If the daily allowance is exceeded, the lunch account will be debited for the amount of the overspend.
The allowance excludes any bottled drinks and any food and/or drink items purchased at break time.
Paper applications can be obtained from the school office or you can download a printable version here: Application for Free School Meals
Completed applications need to be sent to Enfield Council:
ESAS and Free School Meals – D BLOCK – Civic Centre – Silver Street – Enfield EN1 3XA
Alternatively, a scanned application can be emailed to: [email protected]
The council will advise the school if your application is successful.
If you have any questions about applying for Free School Meals, please contact us on 020 8363 1095