As a school we are committed to preparing all of our pupils for the opportunities and challenges life beyond EGS. We will endeavour to help all our pupils to explore career options and we will support them in making the right decisions about the available opportunities.

Our pupils receive a programme of careers education in line with statutory requirements and this begins in Year 7. This includes visits by and to employers, post 16 advice and guidance, a PSHE programme linked to careers, a whole school careers day as well as one to one careers advice.

Careers advice is currently provided by Enfield Careers Service. An advisor is available in school on Mondays and Tuesdays. Appointments can be made via the library.

The school subscribes to an on-line careers service KUDOS.

A well stocked Careers Library can be found in the Upper School Library offering resources on a variety of topics including:

  • Information on specific careers
  • Choosing options
  • Interview techniques
  • CV writing
  • College and university prospectuses
  • Applying for university
  • Student finance

The Baker Clause is an amendment to the Technical and Further Education Act 2017 which states that schools must allow colleges and training providers’ access to all students in years 8 – 13 to tell them about approved technical education qualifications and apprenticeships which are available to them.

The provisions made at Enfield Grammar School are set out in our Provider Access Policy.

In summary, all students at Enfield Grammar School will have a range of opportunities to learn about opportunities to access alternative routes to employment, including vocational qualifications and apprenticeships.  These will be delivered through Careers Education and PSHCE curriculum activities which include tutor time activities, assemblies, careers fairs, work experience and other ‘off-timetable’ events.

If you would like to discuss this further and arrange for your college or training provider to participate in an event or arrange an alternative engagement, please contact our Careers Lead,TBA

Careers education, information, advice and guidance (CEIAG) makes a major contribution to preparing young people for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of life by:

  • helping them make a successful transition to adulthood through the development of skills, attitudes and abilities that will enable them to be effective in a wide range of adult roles in the 21st century
  • raising aspirations and supporting them to achieve their full potential
  • empowering them to plan and manage their own futures
  • encouraging lifelong learning
  • challenging stereotypes and promoting equality, diversity and social mobility
  • enabling them to sustain employability and achieve personal and economic well-being throughout their lives

The CEIAG programme for each year group is constructed around a range of activities, experiences and resources including:

The school measures and assesses the impact of the careers programme on pupils by receiving an annual impact report from our current provider (Enfield Local Authority) regarding the one to one careers appointments.

This includes a feedback survey completed by the students regarding the careers meetings.

Further information and guidance for pupils and parents / carers can be found using the links below:

School Leaver Programs

Barclays Life Skills

Uptree-Professional Networking For Young People

Speakers for Schools

National Careers Week