We would like to welcome you to Enfield Grammar School Sixth Form.
As senior students of the school, your time with the Sixth Form will be enjoyable, rewarding and memorable. The following handbook has been designed to take you through some of the key features and expectations of the Sixth Form.
The Handbook includes;
- Working Week
- School Calendar & Key Dates
- Tutors
- Routines & Procedures
- Progress Monitoring
- Home / School Agreements
- Behaviour & Expectations
- Important Advice & Information
Click here to view the Handbook in full: EGS Sixth Form Handbook
Form Time 1 | 8.30am | 8.55am |
Period 1 | 8.55am | 9.55am |
Break | 9.55am | 10.15am |
Period 2 | 10.15am | 11.15am |
Period 3 | 11.15am | 12.15pm |
Lunch | 12.15pm | 1.15pm |
Period 4b | 1.15pm | 2.15pm |
Period 5 | 2.15pm | 3.15pm |
End of Day | 3.15pm |
Year 12 and 13 students must be on site from 8.25am every day. They must remain on site for periods 1, 2 & 3 every day even if they do not have lessons.
Students with Independent Study periods during this are to report to the sixth form study room – sessions will be supervised and registered.
The Sixth Form Dress Code plays an important role in contributing to the ethos and standards of both the sixth form and the wider school. Our sixth form students are leaders in Enfield Grammar School, a role model to the younger students. Our younger students wear a traditional formal uniform and they look very smart; the sixth form dress code will also make students appear smart but casual and ready to learn. ‘Tant Que Je Puis’.
At Enfield Grammar Sixth Form, we want students to adopt an independent and mature approach to learning and our dress code is one way of achieving this. It is only a short step to university, higher apprenticeships or the world of work and following a smart casual dress code will prepare and support students for both.
The Enfield Grammar Sixth Form Smart Casual Dress Code allows students to express themselves as individuals, but in an appropriate way. It is particularly important that the dress code complements the main school uniform policy and recognises that the school is a working environment for students from the age of 11 to 18. Students may choose to wear full school uniform instead of smart/casual dress.
Most importantly the way a sixth form student dresses should not cause embarrassment to staff, students, members of the school community or to members of the wider community; the public perception of the school should be important to all of us.
Students are required to wear smart casual clothing as would be acceptable in an office environment and which recognises that we are a multicultural and multi-faith school.
Students are expected to wear smart casual trousers or a skirt/dress of reasonable length with a shirt, blouse, polo or t-shirt, a jumper or cardigan if required and appropriate footwear.
Smart jeans and smart trainers are acceptable.
The following items are not acceptable:
- Leisure/sports clothing such as tracksuits, sweatshirts or jogging pants and leggings
- Ripped jeans or any tops with hoods up inside the school buildings
- Garments carrying large designs or logos
- Shorts or three-quarter lengths trousers
- Skimpy tops and short skirts
- Facial piercing
- No headgear, except for religious reasons
Please note that:
- Hair colour needs to be a natural colour and presented in a tidy manner.
- Tattoos must be covered and not visible at all times.
- Beards and facial hair should be neatly trimmed and smartly presented at all times.
- Lanyards must be worn (around the neck and clearly visible) at all times whilst onsite.
For some practical subjects such as PE students may need to wear a different set of clothes. This is at the discretion of the teacher and will only be allowed during that lesson and not before or after.
Sixth Form students will have the same opportunity to take part in dress-down and non-uniform days with the rest of Enfield Grammar School.
These guidelines cannot be completely exhaustive and deal with every possible alternative but we expect that the spirit and tone of this code is observed. Students who do not follow these guidelines will be asked to make amendments and in extreme cases may be sent home with a note to parents.
Students will be sent home if they do not conform to the Dress Code. Parents/Carers will be contacted on the first occasion a student is required to be sent home in relation to a dress code violation. In the event of any subsequent digression from the dress code, the student may be issued with a further sanction and will be sent home to change, but no contact will be made with the Parent/Carer. If a student repeatedly does not conform to the dress code he may have the privilege removed and have no choice but to wear a full school uniform.
Transgender students may dress consistently in accordance with their gender presentation, however, similar translations and expectations are expected to be followed at all times.
Private Study
Private Study is silent, supervised study in the Sixth Form Study Area or the Learning Resource Centre that is pre-allocated on your timetable. Outside of school we expect you to complete 16 hours of independent work or 1 hour for every lesson taught in school. Students may use the Sixth Form Study Centre or Learning Resource Centre beyond 3.30pm, but no later than 5pm as long as a member of staff is present in the Sixth Form/Learning Resource Centre.
The Sixth Form Team will convey information such as examination dates, school trips etc. to students via the following:
-Email correspondence. Students are responsible for checking their email on a daily basis. Students will be issued with a school email address and are expected to use this
-Regular assemblies and tutor time
-Noticeboards and the Google Classroom notices
-Letters to parents/carers
-SMS – text messages to Parents/Carers
The school website also has up-to-date information regarding important dates throughout the academic year.
We RESPECT ourselves, others and the School.
We take PRIDE in our achievements and appearance.
We come to school to SUCCEED in learning and are ready to LEARN.
We take RESPONSIBILITY for our own actions and learning.
We acknowledge the VESPA principles and apply these whenever possible.
Vision – Know what you want to do
Effort – You put in many hours of proactive independent study
Systems – you organise your learning resources and time
Practice – you practice and develop your skills
Attitude – you respond constructively to setback