Structure, Governance and Management
The school became an Academy Trust in August 2011. Enfield Grammar School: An Academy Trust – company no. 07697044. registered in England & Wales.
The Academy is a Charitable Company limited by guarantee and was set up by a Memorandum of Association on 7 July 2011. The Academy converted on 1 August 2011. The Academy is a Company and under the Academies Act 2010 it became an Exempt Charity on 1 August 2011 when it came into existence. The Academy’s Memorandum and Articles of Association are the primary governing documents. The Trustees of the Charitable Company are also the Directors for the purposes of company law. The terms Trustee, Director and Governor are interchangeable. The Academy was set up to establish, maintain and carry on, for the public benefit, secondary education of boys in Enfield offering a broad curriculum with a strong emphasis on sport. The Academy is commonly known as Enfield Grammar School (the School).
The Foundation
The Enfield Grammar School Foundation is a separate Trust governed by the Charity Commission and owns the land and buildings from which the Academy operates. Additionally, there are limited financial funds which are invested to provide an income which is used in the following ways:
- For the maintenance of those at School or for those going on to higher education.
- To enable travel in this country or abroad
- For the study of music or other arts and sciences
- To promote education for pupils and former pupils
There are 5 Foundation Trustees who are either Members or Trustees of the Academy
Objectives and Activities
Objects and aims as set out in the Articles of Association, the Academy’s object is to advance for the public benefit education in the United Kingdom:
- to establish high quality teaching, learning and assessment
- to provide a full and diverse curriculum and other activities
- to provide an environment where every child and every member of staff matters
- the provision of community facilities
The main objectives of the Academy during the year ended 31 August 2019 were included in the School year Development Plan, and include enriching the lives of all pupils to make them better individuals by providing:
- a well-rounded, comprehensive education with a commitment to success and achievement for all
- a rich and broad experience that prepares students for life in the 21st Century and enables them to make a significant contribution to their local community, the wider society in which they live and to become good citizens
To this end the priorities were:
- to improve the quality of learning and teaching across the School, to improve pupil progress and outcomes of all boys
- developing a curriculum for all boys
- enhancing care, guidance and support
- ensuring effective governance
The aim of the management structure is to devolve responsibility, increase accountability and encourage involvement in decision making at all levels. The Leadership Team is responsible for delivering the approved strategic actions of the plan agreed by the Trustees through the School Development Plan (SDP). Trustees carefully monitor the SDP at each Committee meeting. The Trustees confirm they have referred to the guidance contained in the Charity Commission’s guidance on public benefit.
Achievements and Performance
Through the delivery of its vision and priorities the Academy aims to raise standards. The critical success factors for the Academy are pupil progress; quality of teaching, leadership, behaviour of pupils and safeguarding. These are closely aligned to the Ofsted criteria for assessing schools. The key GCSE measure showed a rate of improvement in excess of the local and national averages. The quality of the teaching staff improved and the qualitative leadership indicators are also improving. In behaviour and safety, attendance, fixed term and permanent exclusions steps have been taken which have seen general overall improvements. A comprehensive self-evaluation process was externally verified by consultants using the national framework developed by Ofsted, confirmed the progress made and the effectiveness of the school’s work.
Plans for Future Periods
The Academy will continue striving to improve the progress and performance of all its students, both academically and pastorally through quality teaching and learning and extra-curricular activities. The Trustees intend to improve and update facilities in pursuance of the School’s commitment to ensure that all students achieve their potential. It is recognised that students with differing abilities and aptitudes will have differing curriculum requirements and that a greater diversity of learning environments will be required to deliver these.
The Board of Trustees has formally met 4 times during the year, with an additional 4 EGMs taking place with specific focused agendas. Its purpose is to:
- Keep under review the scheme of delegation in financial matters including the level of delegation to the Headmaster for the day-to-day financial management of the School and present to the Board of Trustees any recommendations for change.
- Prepare and present to the governing body for ratification an annual budget reflecting priorities in the School development plan.
- Monitor the budget (and any other devolved funds e.g. General Annual Grant) and ensure a termly report to the Board of Trustees with an evaluation of the use of resources and any appropriate recommendations.
- Ensure that the “Governors’ Fund” or other such fund is audited and appropriate records are kept. Premises, health and safety
- Agree the lettings and charges policy for the use of School premises.
- Keep the health and safety and emergency procedures and policies under review, ensuring that necessary checks and assessments are carried out and prioritised for action.
- Ensuring the Board of Trustees is compliant with all statutory requirements in this respect.
- Agree the staffing establishment and structure (teaching and non-teaching) at least annually in relation to the budget and the School Development Plan
- Keep under review appropriate staffing policies and procedures – to include grievance, discipline, redundancy, capability, sickness absence, performance management, whistle blowing, pay and conditions of employment and ensure staff are consulted and informed appropriately
- Recommend to the Board of Trustees the procedure for filling vacancies and making staff appointments
- Monitor the recruitment and retention of staff in relation to equality, diversity and inclusion and take any remedial action
- Ensure the School complies with the latest requirements in relation to safe recruitment and safeguarding procedures
- Consider any issues referred by the Headmaster outside any scheme or policy adopted by the Board of Trustees
- Ensure a review of the whole school pay policy to take account of local and national developments and make appropriate recommendations to the Board of Trustees
- Ensure an annual review of teachers’ salaries in line with current arrangements in the School Teachers’ Pay and Conditions Document
- Ensure an annual review of support staff salaries in line with current arrangements in the NJC for Local Government or other appropriate bodies
- Consider the recommendation of the Headmaster’s performance review group in relation to whether to award the head an annual increment
The latest financial reports can be viewed by selecting an option below:
- Trustees Report & Financial Statements – year ending 31 August 2023
- Trustees Report & Financial Statements – year ending 31 August 2022
- Trustees Report & Financial Statements – year ending 31 August 2021
- Trustees Report & Financial Statements – year ending 31 August 2020
- Fair Funding Report
- Articles of Association
- Funding Agreement
More information regarding the Governing Body can be found on our Governance page