Student voice is an important aspect of developing as a successful school community. Students are actively involved in discussions about school life through the student council, which meets each half term.
Each form group has two Form Representatives, elected yearly in September, who all sit on the Year Council. The Council meets with the Head of Year each half term and elects two School Council members.
The Sixth Form Head Boy and Deputies join the Student Council meetings along with a school governor.
Our Student Council have been involved in a variety of school policies and procedures including classroom expectations, uniform changes and developing the rewards and behaviour systems as well as supporting and helping to arrange school events, trips and noon-uniform charity collections.
The Student Council also provide a vital part in staff appointments as well as being encouraged to contribute their views and suggest ideas for improvements to the Governors and the Senior Leadership Team.
How do we vote for our form rep?
Any student can put themselves forward to be a candidate. Other students can also nominate candidates for this post.
The class can decide to listen to speeches from the candidates or to just have the opportunity to ask the student questions
How do we make the election fair and democratic?
Once you have heard from the candidates, the vote takes place during form time. Each student has 1 vote.
Votes can take place either by writing the name of your chosen representative on a piece of paper and handing it to your tutor, putting it in a ballot box or through a Google Classroom ballot
The votes will be counted straight away and the 2 candidates with the highest amount of votes are elected to be your Form Reps
When you have your form time discussions your form reps will then take the questions, suggestions, answers etc to the next Year Council meeting on behalf of your form group.
FORM: | Election of 2 Representatives to sit on the Year Council | The Form puts forward views to raise at the Year Council | Each Form has a Noticeboard with the Minutes & Rep Names |
YEAR COUNCIL: | The 2 elected Reps from each Form sit on the Year Council | The Year Council vote for 2 Reps for the Student Council - they elect a Head and a Deputy for each year | A Head of Year / member of the Senior Leadership Team chairs the meetings |
STUDENT COUNCIL: | Each Year Group is represented by 2 Students from the Year Council - a Head and a Deputy from each year | The 6th Form Head Boy chairs the meeting with Mr Purrier (Deputy Head) | |
COMMITTEE: | The school develops committees that students can join independently of the School Council | These meetings are advertised as and when they are scheduled | An example of one of these committees is: The Environment Committee |
This section coming soon…..
Year Team Councils and the Student Council meet regularly and many great decisions have been made such as;
- the purchase of PlayStations to be used for reward afternoons (& pizza!)
- additional basketball posts for both the Lower and Upper School playgrounds
- allowing black Kicker shoes as part of the uniform
- plastic recycling bins
- breakfast club (Book & Bagel) at both sites
- reward trips / activity days
- picnic benches
- new basket ball nets
On the current agendas for discussion are: tackling energy use in school, redevelopment of the school site process, additional ex-curricular clubs, tuck shop at Lower, condiments available during lunchtime, vending machine, issues regarding sustainability and the environment/climate change.
The Year Zone Reps are now working at the Lower School to help support students and staff at the start of every lesson including helping to tidy up, set up, and sanitise.
All students can be proud of how the student representatives speak on their behalf.
The Wellbeing Team trained their first cohort of Enfield Grammar Wellbeing Ambassadors alongside Enfield Youth Service in October 2021. The selected students have attended training and educational workshops that covered a range of themes around Wellbeing.
- Providing a student voice to the shaping and delivery of our work
- Supporting lunchtime themed stalls
- Running lunchtime clubs for lower school students
- Offering a break and lunch time ‘buddy’ system at lower school for students who may need support
- Assisting in designing and piloting workshops and group programmes
- Supporting our year 7’s transition
- Designing and creating visual displays in and around the school to promote Wellbeing
The student council has formed a new initiative to save the school money!
- Checking the lights are off at the end of the lesson, if the room is not used next
Turning off computers and screen, if not used in the next lesson, lunch or period 5
In lessons only having half the lights on in the room if the teacher does not think this will disturb the learning
Checking classroom lights are off at the start of lunch