Enfield Grammar School operates as a cashless school through our partnership with ParentPay, which is a safe, secure and convenient online payment facility. It is through this facility that you can pay for your son’s school meals, trips, ticketed events, clubs, fundraising opportunities and more. The ParentPay system has been designed from the ground up to work great on tablets and phones as well as desktop computers. ParentPay has been used by schools for over 15 years and accessed by over 4 million parents across the UK; it is a well trusted payment facility.
- enables you to pay for lunches, tuck and other items such as trips and events
- offers a highly secure payment site
- gives you a history of all the payments you have made
- allows you to create a single account login across all your children that attend a ParentPay school
- shows you all items available for payment relevant to each of your children
- emails a receipt of your payment to the email address you register
- offers you the ability to set automated email/SMS payment reminders
- gives you the freedom to make payments to school whenever and wherever you like
- stops you having to write cheques or search for cash to send to school
- gives you peace of mind that your payment has been made safely and securely
- helps with budgeting; payments are immediate, there is no waiting for cheques to clear
- payments for many of the larger trips can be made by instalments up to the due date
- you will never need miss a payment, or have insufficient credit, with automated email/SMS alerts
- ParentPay is quick and easy to use
- you know what your money is being used for
- reduces the administrative time spent on banking procedures
- keeps accurate records of payments made to every service for every student
- reduces paper ‘waste’
- allows for easy and quick refunds to be made back to the Parent Account
- improves communication between the school and parents concerning payments
- offers a more efficient payment collection process, reducing the amount of money held on school premises
- helps us improve school-home communication with its integrated email/SMS messaging centre
- by linking ParentPay to our cashless catering system, our students are able to make use of the catering facilities either at break time or lunchtime without having to carry unnecessary amounts of cash into school.
- even if your son does not use the catering service of the School, his ParentPay account can be used to make payments for School Trips and other School resources
- reduces the amount of cash your son has to carry around which is safer all round
- Step 1 – You’ll get a letter from us about ParentPay – Includes information about how to activate your account
- Step 2 – Activate your account – Use the codes in your letter and you will be able to pay for school dinners and other items straight away
- Step 3 – Don’t miss out! – Don’t forget to set up Alerts so you receive an email (free) or SMS text when your balance is low or there are new items to pay for
Click here for more help on Activating An Account
Please note: if you have previously had a ParentPay account you should attempt to login to this account and follow the add a child process, rather than creating a new one.
Click here for Frequently Asked Questions
ParentPay Parents Overview Video;
ParentPay – Parents Overview from ParentPay
on Vimeo
**Please note, your son’s lunch account should be maintained in credit at all times. Please set a low balance alert to avoid the account going into debt. We are unable to advance money to students who have insufficient funds on their account. In such situations your son will be supplied a basic sandwich and a piece of fruit for one day only, after which parents are asked to provide a packed lunch for their son.**
If you have any queries please contact the school office on 020 8363 1095 or email [email protected]