Date for your diaries…

Date for your diaries…
A bit of a late post (!) but a shout out must go to the boys and the music department who endured the chilly weather to play away and bring some cheer to our market square in December. Thank you to all who supported them and donated. They raised £200 which is going to the North London Hospice charity.
School has now closed it’s door for this festive season.
Form all our staff, we wish all our EGS students and their families, and our Enfield community a healthy and happy time.
We shall see you in 2025!
Our Annual Prize Giving evening was standing room only on Wednesday as students from all year groups received their subject prizes for their work last year.
We choose to hold our Prize-Giving ceremony late in the Autumn term so that our last year’s 13s can also attend, being home from University for Christmas. It’s so lovely to hear how their first term has gone.
John Skipper, an Old Boy and retired surgeon was our guest of honour and he gave an inspiring, moving speech about the importance of education and resilience. A message that aligns beautifully with all that we do here at EGS.
It’s such an honour to watch all the prize winners come onto the stage and collect their envelope in which there is also a book voucher.
Enfield Grammar School Trustees fund the prizes every year and I want to personally thank them for maintaining this wonderful tradition. It was a thoroughly enjoyable evening for the students, their parents/carers, Governors and staff alike.
Mr Lamb – Headteacher
Mr Lamb with special guest John Skipper MB BCh BA LLB FRCS (EGS Alumni)
EGS students will be performing ‘Christmas tunes’ on the bandstand in Enfield Town Market today.
They will be raising funds for the North London Hospice so, please come along to give them some support and, if you can, a donation for the charity.
Last Friday we had our annual Christmas concert which was a sell-out with not even standing room to spare!
The Year 7 Band and ‘Strings & Things’ made their debut, our Steel Pans group wowed the crowd, and Year 8, 9 and 10 bands rocked hard albeit in a festive manner, with Groove Band, Little Big Band and the Rhythm & Brass band all bringing sonorous tones to proceedings.
Student led bands, Space Goose and Purple Elixir brought the house down and the evening was raucously finished by Senior Band featuring members of staff and the wild man of rock, our very own Mr Leverno. A fitting end to a fantastic, festive, fun-filled evening.
A huge thank you to Chaslet Sound (parent to one of our Year 8s) who provided the amazing lights and sound helping to create this spectacular concert.
The dedication and passion of our music department team are not only teachers of music, they provide a place of creativity, respect, opportunities and support for our students. They are one big musical family……we are really very proud of them all (staff and students).
Happy Christmas!
Every contribution, no matter the size, makes a difference in ensuring that we can provide the educational experiences our students deserve.
We are holding our annual Jingle & Mingle event on 17 December this year and hope to see even more past students and staff as we endeavour to keep growing our Old Boys Association.
The EGSOBA ‘Old Boys Association’ was founded well over 100 years ago and the aim is to keep in contact, share stories, network, support the school and enjoy a bit of social time together.
If you are an ex-student or ex-member of staff (however long ago or however recent) and would like to come along, please email the office with your RSVP (remember to include your full name in the email and, if possible, the years you were in the school).
Please feel free to share this invite to anyone who has had a connection to the school.