We are looking forward to seeing you all back in school and welcoming our new Year 7s.
Monday 5th September:
Year 7 in from 9.30am
Year 12 in from 9am
Years 8,9,10, 11 and 13 Benchmark Day – Individual interview times
Tuesday 6th September: All Years in from 8.25am
Please visit the Parents & Students section of our website for details on:
The school day and other important information: www.enfieldgrammar.org/parents-students
Uniform & Equipment: www.enfieldgrammar.org/parents-students/uniform-equipment
Year 7 transition: www.enfieldgrammar.org/parents-students/transitions
School Calendar: www.enfieldgrammar.org/parents-students/school-calendar
ParentPay accounts (EGS is a cashless school) to pay for lunch money, trips, books etc: www.enfieldgrammar.org/parents-students/parentpay
EGS Eatery (lunches and free school meals): www.enfieldgrammar.org/parents-students/egs-eatery