- This month, the Science Department will be ensuring that all boys have a science lesson on health issues that men face especially Prostrate and Testicular cancer.
- Lower School students are being asked by Dr Currie to write a short piece about a man who has influenced them and had a positive impact upon their lives. This could be anyone from a parent to a sibling, a friend, a coach or even a celebrity. To run alongside this, it would be lovely if any parents, carers or older siblings would like to share their views on what it is to ‘be a man in the 21st Century’. How have things changed? Are there challenges? What are the hopes for the young people we are educating?
- Miss Print is asking all our students to consider what it is to be a man in 2020. With the world constantly changing and evolving socially, the definition of being a man and ideas around masculinity have naturally changed and evolved too. We would love to hear from you about your experiences and views on this. Use any medium you like (essay, artwork, song, video etc).
- Thursday 19th November – International Men’s Day – for a donation of £2, there will be a non-uniform day when our Head Boy and the Deputy Head Boys will be collecting for Prostate Cancer UK and Testicular Cancer UK as organised by our Student Council
- Friday 27th November – Years 7 and 8 (Lower School) pupils to wear false moustaches for the day and donate £1 to the Movember charity
More info:
https://uk.movember.com/?home https://uk.movember.com/media-room/movember-101