EGS have worked alongside the School Food Matters charity through their #KnowYourOnions project to develop and encourage our students to think about how food is grown, produced and consumed.
Our gardening club group and other selected students ran a stall in Enfield Town Market last week with products produced from items they have grown in school to sell to members of the public.
Our parent volunteer led our students to create unique and interesting items including seed bombs, dried bouquets, chutneys, seed packets and planted herbs amongst lots of other beautiful products.
There was a fabulous buzz in the air with members of the public, local business leaders, Enfield Council, school governors, parents, teachers and other students all coming over to give their support and make some purchases.
A nice little profit was made that will go straight back into the Gardening Club to help purchase items such as soil and equipment needed.
The boys have loved working alongside our volunteer and have learnt life skills including working as a team, gardening knowledge, environmental awareness and building important friendships.
On Market Day these boys were impeccably behaved and polite, resourceful and stepped up to the challenge of undertaking small Q&A sessions filmed by School Food Matters.
We are incredibly excited to continue to build on this work alongside our DofE Year 10s who will be supporting our volunteer with the gardening club. The aim is to provide a sustainable project that enables expansion to an existing well-accessed club and to provide a ‘team’ who will develop their own skill sets whilst also developing valuable in-school provision where we can also support our Food Tech dept.
Thank you to our exceptional volunteer who was fundamental within the project, our amazing students who have given up their lunchtimes on a weekly basis come rain or shine and to the SFM Team.