We are delighted to announce that, from a lively AGM earlier this month, we have successfully formed a new FEGS Committee and would like to welcome:

  • Joanna Ioannou – Chair
  • Elaine Parker – Co-Chair
  • Lauren Odwell – Secretary
  • Natalie Griffiths & Amira Tashkandi – Co-Treasurers

We are very excited with the promise that over the next few months there will be ideas and planning for fundraising events to help boost funds that we can invest back into the school for our students.

Meanwhile, we would like to thank for all their support over the years:

  • Lorraine Watson (Treasurer for many, many (!) years)
  • Helen Michael-Waller (Secretary and part of the committee for even more years!) – who will remain as a volunteer helper
  • Stephanie Field (Vice Chair and Concert Bars) who will remain as a school liaison/comms link

Please email [email protected] if…:

  • you are interested in helping out at events, joining the committee ……
  • you are able to donate raffle prizes or your company is part of the Match Funding/£4£ scheme….
  • We are also on the hunt for an Accountant who could volunteer to do the FEGS accounts once a year to file on the Charity Commission website.

The date of the next meeting is: Wednesday 17 April 7-8.30pm, Room 8 in Upper School

Please come along if you would like to meet and be a part of the EGS PTA – we’d love to see you!