A fortnight of work experience for our Year 10 resulted in much valuable feedback; the boys have gained a much clearer understanding of various job roles and careers, and what it is like to be in a working environment. Employers have a chance to mentor students and help teach them some valuable skills.

Over the course of the 2 weeks, our staff went out and about all over London to meet up with most of the students in their places of work to check how they were getting on and receive feedback from the employers.

Students returned from their ‘postings’ either knowing that the industry they had experienced was exactly the one they would like to work within in the future or realising it really was not for them, thus saving further education in the wrong area. They now have a slightly better understanding of the working world and their lives enriched just that little bit more.

The only photos we have are of those young men who stayed with us in school and took up opportunities to work within the Catering and Premises departments. They were all given high praise for their commitment and effort that they put in to their jobs……and one photo of Nicholas who truly impressed Mrs McCall with the delicious sandwich he made for her in Tongue and Brisket!