Mir is currently studying A-level Computer Science, Information Technology, and Media and has chosen to follow a career pathway into cyber-security.

Out of school, Mir is a corporal in our local RAF Air-Cadets; 85 Squadron in Middlesex Wing which he joined 5 years ago. This is not an extra-curricular activity to be taken lightly but one that encourages and expects loyalty, determination and effort which results in being very rewarding, as Mir has experienced.

Being an air-cadet, he has learnt new skills from first-aid to parade drills, from camping to flying and has also earned him a couple of extra B-techs along the way.

The opportunities and experiences Mir has had with the air-cadets is priceless and as well as being thoroughly enjoyable, has given him extra skills and future pathways to follow.

The photos in the video below show just what an amazing time he has had.

Well done, Mir!