Have you ever considered being a school governor? Well, your school needs you!

Just a reminder that the deadline for Parent Governor applications is this Friday (19th)!
All details on our website: www.enfieldgrammar.org/about-us/governance

#makeadifference #schoolgovernance #schoolgovernor

School governance allows you to develop your skills, both personally and professionally and will mean that you could add the following skills and experience to their CV:

  • Strategic planning
  • Experience on a board
  • Holding senior leaders to account
  • Finance, and maintaining oversight of huge budgets
  • Human resources and performance management
  • Project management
  • Marketing
  • Communication and teamwork
  • Decision making

You will learn about how decisions are made at the school and the pressures that school leaders face. It’s a unique opportunity to see how the school is managed while playing an integral role in deciding what happens next.