After National Careers week, and ahead of Employability Day, we are holding our own event at the end of March. This year we will have some amazing high profile business people coming to speak to our boys, coordinated by the Reach Society.
The day will run from 10am through to 3pm and will be for those in Years 10 to 13.
There will be a variety of local businesses for our students to talk to, including Metro Bank, Santander, and Enfield Council, as well as the following special guests (we will bring you their full ‘bios’ leading up to the event);
- Ritchie A. C. Neil Senior Account Executive at Salesforce – one of our ‘Panel of Experts’
- Krystal Alliance a team working with committed organisations who really want to encourage, support and inspire greater equity in their workplace. They will be facilitating 2 themed workshops (Employability Skills, Young Role Models)
- Michael Fuller is a UK-based entertainment New York Attorney-at-Law and music business consultant
- Nathaniel Peat is a Multi-Award-Winning Entrepreneur, International Speaker (inc. TEDx), Business Coach, Engineer, Pilot, and man of many talents & achievements

“building connections”
The Reach Society services are tailored to be easy to understand by boys in their primary, secondary and tertiary stages of their personal development; and by young men in the process of entering adult life
At Reach Society we believe that Black boys and young Black men are born with unlimited potential. And that they, like all young people, need to be encouraged, motivated and inspired to discover their potential by taking the actions early that will lead to the formation of habits that are essential for the development of robust characters