We are so excited to announce that Professor David Warburton OBE, DSc, MD, FRCP, FRCS, FRCPCH, FAAAS will be joining our Year 11 STEM event on Tuesday by a remote link from the University of Southern California.

What makes this so special is that Professor Warburton is one of our alumni. He studied at EGS from 1960 to 1967 and went on to his further studies at St Thomas’ Hospital Medical School. David Warburton is best known for his contributions to basic and applied maternal and child health as well as environmental science and public health impacts across the lifespan and has devoted much time and effort to global women’s and children’s health.

To read his biography: https://www.enfieldgrammar.org/egs-community/our-history/


David is very keen to support and mentor future medical students and is very active on organising STEM related trips, and we are honoured that he is keen to forge links with his old school.

If you are a year 11 student/parent who has been invited to this STEM Information evening, please be sure not to miss it!

The evening presents a valuable opportunity for you to gain insight into STEM A-Levels, introduce you the plans for the Enfield Grammar School Sixth Form and most importantly, develop a deeper understanding of the revision resources and support systems we have in place for all Year 11 students leading to their GCSE examinations in the summer. We will share strategies for supporting your son with his revision efforts and provide details on the structure and opportunities your son will receive as a member of the sixth form studying
Science and/or Maths at Enfield Grammar School.

Throughout the event, you will hear from the Subject Leaders for Maths and Science who will provide specific insights into their respective subject’s curriculum, assessments, revision materials, and available interventions.
Additionally, members of the Sixth Form Team will be present to address any questions you may have regarding Post-16 education. We also hope to welcome some former students who have pursued STEM-related courses at university, providing valuable perspectives and advice.