Enfield Grammar is a non-selective comprehensive boys’ school situated in the London Borough of Enfield. The school’s catchment area is diverse and has an intake of 180 boys each year. The Sixth Form has approximately 230 students with the majority having remained with Enfield Grammar from Year 11.

Students are able to select from an academic, vocational or mixed pathway. 69% of Enfield Grammar students are from ethnic minority groups and approximately 30% do not have English as their first language.

During Year 12, the current cohort of students missed the summer term of their studies due to the current Covid-19 pandemic. Teachers offered a mix of different approaches to teaching including Google Classroom and RealSmart although the vast majority was not live online teaching.  Many students did not have access to adequate IT facilities and missed out on the alternative provision supplied by the school during this time. When school did re-open in the summer term for Year 12 students we offered a reduced timetable to enable some catch-up lessons with most students studying 2 out of their 3 subjects.

The current Year 13 students missed out on the opportunity to sit formal end of year exams that would have been used as an indicator towards their UCAS predictions. The students will only be able to sit their first formal mock assessments for their A-Levels during December 2020 and sit in a formal exam environment during the PPE period in March 2021. Teachers have made predicted grades based on the first two terms of Year 12 and the beginning of the academic year.

As well as their academic studies students have been disadvantaged towards the end of Year 12 when we would usually hold our progression week activities and offer a number of workshops on ‘Life after 6th form’ ‘UCAS Registration’ ‘Personal Statements’ including attending UCAS exhibitions and career fairs. This has meant they have had a delayed start to the university application process and many have only had the opportunity to start once schools fully re-opened in September 2020.

Page published October 2020